Hair Care Tips

How to Get Wavy Hair: 5 Tried-and-True Methods

Unveiling the Beauty of Wavy Hair: Tips, Tricks, and Care

Wavy hair, often described as the perfect balance between straight and curly, has an undeniably alluring charm. If you’re blessed with natural waves or looking to achieve them, you’re in for a treat. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore all things wavy hair, from how to get those gorgeous waves to styling them with finesse and taking impeccable care of them. So, let’s dive into the enchanting world of wavy hair and discover how to make those waves your crowning glory.

Understanding Wavy Hair

Wavy hair is characterized by a gentle, natural curve that flows gracefully from the roots to the tips. Understanding its unique properties and individuality is the key to genuinely embracing wavy hair. The secret to managing wavy hair lies in comprehending its individual needs. Unlike straight hair, wavy hair requires extra moisture to prevent frizz while avoiding the heavy products suited for curls. Determining your hair’s pattern, porosity, and thickness is crucial for optimal product selection and styling techniques. With the proper care, wavy hair can be your canvas for versatile, breathtaking hairstyles that embrace its beautiful, natural texture.

How to Get Wavy Hair

wavy hair

If you’re born with straight hair and crave those stunning waves, fear not; several methods exist to achieve them. Here’s how you can transform your consecutive locks into fabulous waves:

  1. Braiding Technique: One of the simplest ways to get wavy hair is by braiding your hair while it’s damp and leaving it overnight. When you undo the braids in the morning, you’ll be greeted by soft, natural waves.
  2. Sea Salt Spray: Invest in a high-quality sea salt spray that mimics saltwater’s effects on your hair. Spritz it on, scrunch your hair, and let it air dry for beachy waves. For more on achieving fluffy, voluminous hair, check out our post on how to get fluffy hair.
  3. Curling Wand: Use a curling wand with a larger barrel to create loose waves. To avoid harm and maintain the health of your hair while styling, don’t forget to apply a heat protectant.
  4. Hair Rollers: Velcro hair rollers can be your best friend in achieving wavy hair. Roll your hair when slightly damp, leave it in for a while, and voila – beautiful waves!
  5. Twisting Method: Twist sections of your hair, secure them with bobby pins and let them set for a few hours. This low-heat method yields gorgeous waves without causing damage.

How to identify your wavy hair type

There are two main ways to identify your wavy hair type: by curl pattern and by porosity.

Curl pattern

Wavy hair is classified into three curl patterns: 2a, 2b, and 2c.

  • 2a hair has loose, S-shaped waves that start below the ears.
  • 2b hair has tighter, S-shaped waves that start at the roots.
  • 2c hair has z-shaped waves that are often coarse and frizzy.


Porosity denotes the ability of your hair to absorb and retain moisture. There are three types of porosity: low, medium, and high.

  • Low-porosity hair has a hard time absorbing moisture, but it also retains moisture well.
  • Medium-porosity hair has a good balance of absorbing and retaining moisture.
  • High-porosity hair absorbs moisture quickly, but it also loses moisture quickly.

How to Style Wavy Hair

how to style wavy hair

Styling wavy hair is an art in itself. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your wavy locks:

  1. Scrunching: To enhance your natural waves, scrunch your hair using a mousse or styling cream while it’s still damp. This adds texture and definition.
  2. Diffuser Attachment: Use a diffuser attachment on your hair dryer to avoid frizz and maintain your waves’ shape.
  3. Hair Accessories: Experiment with hairpins, headbands, or scarves to create unique styles showcasing wavy hair.
  4. Loose Ponytail: A flexible, low ponytail can accentuate your wavy locks while keeping your hair out of your face.

How to Make Straight Hair Wavy

How to Make Straight Hair Wavy

If you have straight hair and are longing for those luscious waves, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve the look:

  1. Preparation: Begin with tidy, dry hair. To prevent your locks from harm, apply a heat protectant.
  2. Section Your Hair: Create manageable parts in your hair. Smaller sections will result in tighter waves, while larger units yield loose waves.
  3. Use a Curling Wand: For a relaxed wave, wrap a section of hair around the curling wand, leaving the ends out.
  4. Hold and Release: Hold the hair on the wand for a few seconds (5-10, depending on your hair type) before gently releasing it.
  5. Set with Hairspray: Once you’ve curled all your hair, lightly mist it with hairspray to set the waves.

Also read: Batana Oil Benefits for Hair

How to Take Care of Wavy Hair

How to Take Care of Wavy Hair

Caring for your wavy hair is essential to keep it looking its best. Follow these tips to maintain those stunning waves:

  1. Use Sulfate-Free Shampoo: Sulfate-free shampoos are gentle on wavy hair and prevent it from drying.
  2. Regular Conditioning: Apply a conditioner specifically designed for wavy hair to keep it hydrated and frizz-free.
  3. Avoid Overwashing: Wavy hair doesn’t need daily washing. Overwashing can remove natural oils from your hair, leaving it dry and lifeless.
  4. Deep Conditioning: Try adding deep conditioning treatments to your hair care routine.
  5. Trim Regularly: Schedule regular haircuts to maintain wave shape and prevent split ends.

For an extra boost in hair care, consider using rosemary water.

Also read: Is Raw Sugar Shampoo Good For Your Hair?

How to Diffuse Wavy Hair

Wavy hair is a unique and captivating hair type, and mastering the art of diffusing can enhance its beauty. To make the most of your wavy hair, follow these steps for the perfect diffused look:


  1. Start with Clean Hair: Wash and condition your wavy hair with sulfate-free products made for your hair type.
  2. Use a Curl-Enhancing Product: Apply a curl-enhancing product or lightweight mousse to define your waves.

Diffusing Technique:

  1. Squeeze Excess Water: Gently remove excess water with a microfiber towel or old t-shirt.
  2. Attach the Diffuser: Use a diffuser attachment on your hair dryer with low heat.
  3. Begin Diffusing: Tilt your head, cup a section of hair in the diffuser, and gently lift it toward your scalp. Move through areas, scrunching gently as you go.
  4. Excellent Shot: Finish with the fantastic shot function to set the waves and reduce frizz.

Final Touches:

  1. Avoid Touching: Minimize touching to prevent frizz.
  2. Optional Finishing: Consider a light hairspray or oil for shine and hold.

With these steps, you’ll achieve beautifully diffused wavy hair that highlights natural beauty. Enjoy your stunning waves with confidence!


Wavy hair is a beautiful and versatile type that can be a real head-turner when correctly cared for and styled. Whether you’re naturally blessed with waves or working to create them, following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide will help you achieve the wavy hair of your dreams. Embrace your waves, experiment with different styles, and let your hair’s natural beauty shine through.

So, flaunt those stunning waves and make wavy hair your signature look. Your journey to luscious locks starts with a simple twist, a braid, or a curling wand and ends with the confidence that comes with knowing your wavy hair is your ultimate accessory.

FAQs about wavy hair:

1. What exactly is wavy hair? 

Wavy hair falls between straight and curly, characterized by gentle S-shaped or loose waves. It’s a natural texture that adds versatility and charm to your locks.

2. Can I achieve wavy hair if my hair is naturally straight?

Yes, you can! Various methods like braiding, curling, or sea salt sprays can help you achieve beautiful waves, even with straight hair.

3. How do I enhance my natural waves? 

Consider scrunching your damp hair with a mousse or styling lotion to amplify your natural waves. This provides texture and definition.

4. How often should I wash wavy hair?

Wavy hair doesn’t require daily washing. It’s best to wash it every 2-3 days to maintain its natural oils and prevent excessive dryness.

5. What’s the secret to making wavy hair last all day?

Setting your waves with hairspray after styling can help them last longer. Additionally, using a diffuser attachment when blow-drying can reduce frizz and maintain the wave’s shape.

6. What’s the key to maintaining healthy wavy hair?

Regular trims to prevent split ends, using appropriate hair care products, and avoiding excessive heat styling are essential for keeping wavy hair healthy and vibrant.


David Merrick

Meet David Merrick, a respected authority in the world of hair care. With his wealth of experience, he provides valuable tips and product recommendations to help you achieve and maintain the health and beauty of your hair. Trust in his expertise for all your hair needs.

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